The “Festival della Bellezza” (Festival of Beauty) is celebrating its tenth anniversary. To mark the debut of this special edition “Arte nell’Arte”, it is offering an exclusive preview: David Grossman, one of the greatest contemporary writers, will be coming to the Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza on 27 March to talk about “La vita immaginaria” (The Imaginary Life). In conversation with Alessandra Zecchini, the Israeli writer will reflect on creation and literary influence with reference to his books and the theme of the edition, “Life imitating art”. Grossman is one of the most famous writers in the world, author of bestselling books like ‘See Under the Headline: Love’, ‘There Are Zigzag Kids’, ‘Let Me Be the Knife’, ‘The Book of Internal Grammar’, ‘Someone to Run With’ and, in 2022, the novel ‘Life Plays with Me’.

The Festival della Bellezza develops the idea of proposing “art in art” events, doubling the number of prestigious venues, Unesco sites, cities and art sites, for the tenth anniversary edition dedicated to Philippe Daverio (Daverio, who died in 2020, was one of the regulars at the kermesse). Emblematic is the choice of the Teatro Olimpico, Palladio’s masterpiece, as the venue for the inaugural event. Between June and October, it will propose appointments in 30 symbolic places of the Italian historical-artistic tradition, from the Classical world (theatres, temples, villas, such as the Roman Theatre in Verona and the Grotta di Catullo in Sirmione), through Medieval and Renaissance works, to iconic places of the 20th century: the Vittoriale, Burri’s Cretto in Gibellina and the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice. The festival is organised by the cultural association Idem, with the support of the Veneto Region.

Main partner is Cattolica Assicurazioni (Generali Group), partner Ferroli, main sponsors are Sparkasse, Das, Zanolli, Bulgarini, Newchem. The artistic director of the Festival della Bellezza, Alcide Marchioro, is enthusiastic about the opening with Grossman. From the Homeric poems and the Bible to the works of the great contemporary storytellers, the invention of imaginary worlds has been the main determinant of real worlds, the inner worlds of passions, ideals, desires. And Grossman, with his talent for narrating the most intimate and profound recesses, upheavals and contradictions, is one of the greatest explorers of the inner life.

The date with David Grossman is Monday 27 March at 9pm.

Here the site: Festival della Bellezza

The first unveiled dates of 2023