Verona ranks ninth in Italy and first in the Veneto region for the number of entrepreneurs of foreign origin. They now number almost 14.000 (10.6% of the provincial total). In other words, in the Verona area, where 98.000 foreigners (14% of the population) live, every tenth entrepreneur is a non-Italian.

Of the 452.351 taxpayers in the Veneto region (12.5% of the total), 98.323 live in the Verona area (14.2%): this is the highest proportion of foreign workers paying taxes in the region.

These are just some of the data that have emerged from the research carried out by the Ca’ Foscari University and the Leone Moressa Foundation. Every year, they aim to highlight the economic impact of immigration, as well as the specific initiatives for cooperation between universities and companies in order to contribute to integration processes.

The 12th Report on the Economy of Immigration also shows how, in Veneto, the number of foreigners at the end of December 2022 was over 493,000. This represents 10.2% of the regional population. The need for labour, which increased during the pandemic, has led to an increase in the quota of foreign workers. However, the main reason for arrival remains family reunification (59%). The total volume of income generated is 6.8 billion. 1.3 billion is generated in Verona alone.

Finally, data on an important segment of non-Italian workers, the self-employed. In this way, the report makes it possible to understand not only the importance that immigration has assumed in the local economy, as well as that of the country as a whole, but also how a serious and far-sighted migration policy is now needed to consolidate the recovery and offer prospects for growth in a demographic and geopolitical context that is much more difficult than in the past.