Prosecco Hills Link allows you to travel by train and bus with a one ticket. Now, visits between Conegliano and Valdobbiadene are not only easier to schedule, but also more ecological. The new service will begin on July 1

A summer of modifications for Veneto’s road network, all aimed at allowing tourists and visitors to plan more ecologic vacations. Starting from Tuttobici, the initiative that has created 896 new bike places within the trains that pass through the Veneto, or the new electric buses that have made their way into the city of Verona, or Prosecco Hills Link, which will allow tourists to visit the Treviso territories between Conegliano and Valdobbiadene even more easily starting on July 1.   

This program will run until next fall, with connections beginning at 9:50 a.m. and ending at 19:55 p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. (Here the link to the complete timetable)

Bus route – Prosecco Hills Link

The Prosecco Hills Link to create personalized itineraries 

With a single ticket, you may take the Trenitalia regional train to Conegliano station and then the bus to the UNESCO-listed Hills of Prosecco Conegliano Valdobbiadene. Conegliano, San Pietro di Feletto, Refrontolo, Pieve di Soligo, Farra di Soligo, Vidor, Valdobbiadene, Miane, Follina, Cison di Valmarino, Revine Lago, Tarzo, and Vittorio Veneto are the towns and vineyards visited by the MOM bus route. 

The single ticket will thereby allow you to create a truly customized itinerary. In fact, you may take, passing, for example, by the Lookout Path in S.Martino, the Cistercian Abbey of S.Maria in Follina, and even the Bonsai Museum of Happiness Garden in Tarzo. The bus ride takes around 2 hours and 40 minutes.   

Ticket types   

There are two ticket types available: the 1 Day Card, which costs 15 euros and can be used for 24 hours after validation, and the 2 Days Card, which is valid for 48 hours. Both allow unlimited travel thanks to MOM’s urban and suburban transport services.