The Shakespeare Walk is about to turn the historic center into an outdoor museum. This afternoon, starting at 3:30 p.m. from the Satiro OFF Theater, participants can embark on a journey to discover the Bard of Avon along a path that runs into 37 locations throughout Verona, each portraying a story from Shakespeare’s works.

All of Shakespeare’s works will be mentioned one by one, and the shops will become an integral part of the experience by displaying a window sticker with a rhyme in both Italian and English, indicating the steps of the path. In addition, posters with a summary map of the Shakespeare Walk locations will be distributed along the way.

The event honoring William Shakespeare is completely free. The day will begin at 3:30 p.m. with a special meeting with Beatrice Zuin, author of A Rose is a Rose: Shakespeare’s Herbarium, at the Satiro Off theater. Those interested may learn intriguing facts about the flora and flowers referenced in Shakespeare’s writings.

Then the Shakespeare Walk will begin at 4 p.m. It is an idea conceived in 2016 by Solimano Pontarollo, the creative director of Shakespeare Week, who wanted to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the Bard of Avon’s birth. The Shakespeare Walk, created and maintained by Beatrice Zuin, intends to honor the famous English playwright while also reaffirming Verona’s status as a Shakespearean city.

Registration for the Shakespeare Walk

The event is free, but registration is required on the website: