300 parking spaces “pink” will be ready by September 2023 in different areas of the city. They will be reserved for pregnant women and mothers and fathers of children aged 0-2. In Italy, Verona is second only to Milan.

Three hundred city parking spaces on public land will be tinged pink to guarantee a dedicated service for pregnant women and parents of children up to two years old. The pink, vertical signs depict a woman with a baby bump and a pram. For the time being they are only seen in some private areas, such as supermarkets or some health facilities, but now the Municipality has applied for as much state funding as possible, and ranks as the second largest city in Italy, after Milan, in terms of the amount used. The parking spaces can be occupied for a duration of three hours according to the time disc, but the rules will also depend on the service they are associated with. In the case of a pharmacy, for example, the duration could be limited to half an hour, and near hospitals the parking spaces could be available to the ‘pink’ categories for the whole 24 hours, in other places, instead, for a shorter period and then be available again to all citizens. “The Highway Code now allows us to control and apply sanctions for those who break the rules,” warns the Commander of the local Police of Verona, Luigi Altamura. “Those who park in the pink parking spaces without showing a permit or without having the right to do so risk a fine of between 87 and 344 euro. If a parent abuses the three hours available by parking for longer, they could have to pay between 42 and 173 euro’.