If you do not want to miss the opportunity of experiencing authentic theatre in Verona, we recommend you visit one of the stages of the Teatro nei Quartieri – one for each Circoscrizione (the areas in which the city of Verona is divided) – which opened with ‘Casa di Bambola’, the masterpiece by the Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen.

The next dates of the theatre review: “Taxi a due piazze” by Cooney, in a production by the Giorgio Totola company (30th March, Teatro Parrocchia Don Carlo Steeb, historical centre); “Il bisbetico”, a free adaptation of Menander’s Dyscolos (again with the Nuova Compagnia Teatrale, 1st April at the Teatro San Giovanni Evangelista, Golosine district); “Grisù Giuseppe e Maria” by Clementi, staged by La Moscheta (2 April, Teatro San Massimo, San Massimo district); “Il malato immaginario” by Molière, staged by the Tremilioni Company (22 April, Teatro David, Cadidavid district).

In the words of the event’s creator and director of the Nuova Compagnia Teatrale, Enzo Rapisarda, an invitation to tourists and foreigners alike: “Staying in Verona, immersing oneself in the atmosphere and sounds of a text by Eduardo De Filippo or Luigi Pirandello means touching the essence of Italian culture. Seeing the theatricality of texts by Ibsen, Feydeau and Moliére reinterpreted in Italian is certainly stimulating. I also think that the theatre is an excellent opportunity for those who study Italian and want to try a different approach to the language, because the events we put on stage have such a strong impact that the emotional involvement certainly transcends barriers and obstacles of a linguistic nature”.