Thirty new lodgings converted from an elderly facility already present in the Filippini district (Palazzo Campagna Carminati, in vicolo Oratorio 3), will be allocated at subsidized prices to students enrolled at the University of Verona who are on the ESU (Azienda regionale per il diritto allo studio universitario – Regional Agency for the Right to University Studies) rankings.

The rooms will be granted to students enrolled in undergraduate and postgraduate courses, whether in course or out of course, who reside in another municipality no less than 25 kilometres from Verona. At least 70% of the beds available in the facility will be allocated to them. A maximum percentage of 30% of the total available beds has been allocated to lecturers, researchers, trainees, scholarship holders, and participants in training courses or master courses, all of whom are off-campus.

A student housing modality, supported with Pnrr funds, made possible thanks to a winning public-private partnership operation that, in addition to the municipality, involved the Camplus International s.r.l. Foundation, current manager of the building, and the Esu. A partnership that has led to the genesis of an agreement, signed between the City Council – Amministrazione Comunale and Camplus, which guarantees ESU Verona a portion of the available beds (30 out of a total of 72, for a minimum period of three years, renewable, at the reduced price of € 300.00 per bed, including utilities), helping to meet the demand for residential accommodation for male and female students. Some of the benefactors will receive this at cost zero due to funds being drawn from scholarships.

These new accommodations are a step forward in meeting one of the most urgent needs for foreign students and non-residents in Verona. A total of 438 beds are now available for a university population of almost 30,000 students.

The main points of the agreement were illustrated today by the Deputy Mayor, Barbara Bissoli, together with the Rector of the University of Verona, Pier Francesco Nocini, the President of Esu Verona, Claudio Valente and the CEO and Founder of Camplus International, Maurizio Carvelli. Also present were Councillor for Youth Policies, Jacopo BuffoloChairman of the Urban Planning Commission, Pietro Trincanato and Suap-Suep Manager, Andrea Alban.