(by Matilde Anghinoni) The electric scooter has arrived in Italian cities, including Verona, as an alternative means of transport. Increasingly used by students and tourists, they are helping to relieve congestion in ‘traditional’ traffic. Initially, the problem was parking, but today it is accidents, even fatal ones, that require concrete responses.

Here is a brief memorandum on the rules in force in the Municipality of Verona.

The electric scooter, in fact, is already partly regulated. First, there are age limits: it can only be used by people over 14 years of age and all minors must wear helmets.

As reported in the information of the City from a traffic point of view:

  • scooters without front and rear lights cannot run after sunset and for those with lights, the driver is obliged to wear the reflective vest
  • the transport of people and/or animals is prohibited (so you cannot travel in two)
  • drivers are required to report with their arm if they want to turn in a timely manner
  • speed limits are 6 km/h in pedestrian areas and 25 km/h in urban areas
  • electric scooters cannot circulate in the areas where bicycles are prohibited
  • you must proceed in a single row in all cases in which the conditions of the circulation require it; however, it is prohibited to placed side by side in more than two
  • the scooter must be driven by hand when it can be an obstacle or danger to pedestrians
  • it is necessary to avoid sudden discards, zigzag movements, abrupt maneuvers or stunts that could result in hindrance or danger for the following vehicles,
  • drivers are required to hold the vehicle by hand while crossing carriageways with particularly heavy traffic
  • parking is possible in areas dedicated to motorcycles and bicycles.

To inform and educate people about the safety use of electric scooters, the association Professione outdoor has created in Verona the first Usacli/Coni certified school for micro viability. A couple of hours of lessons once a month, on Saturday afternoon, that will provide a certificate for people over 14 years old. The course will focus on some fundamental aspects as the correct posture, how to deal with a bump or how to turn in a safety way.

The theme “electric scooters” is increasingly considered even at the national level. The proposals submitted to the government would concern the introduction of a license, a license plate and an insurance together with higher penalties.