(by Elisabetta Gallina and Matilde Anghinoni) “Trocks are back!” is the return to Europe of the dancers of Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo. With a surprising mix of impeccable technique and irreverent humour, the Trocks land on the prestigious stage of Legnago (Province of Verona) for the first time. An unmissable show and… a Lago dei Cigni as never before.

The dancers of Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo, affectionately known as Trocks, will make their first appearance at the Teatro Salieri on Saturday 22nd April at 20:45. This iconic all-male American company combines impeccable technique with irrepressible comedy. The fun is not achieved by distorting the ballet in a banal and crude way, but on the contrary by highlighting with affection, irony and intelligence the most iconic features of classical ballet, the most common incidents, the tantrums of the most famous étoiles.

Behind the overwhelming humour is the impeccable preparation of the dancers, who, despite their solid masculine physicality and fluffy tutus, twirl on huge pointe shoes. The Trocks play all sorts of roles, transforming themselves into swans, sylphs, water spirits, romantic princesses, clumsy princes or desperate Victorian ladies. A return to Europe with a repertoire enriched with new interpretations. Including one of the most famous ballets: “Lago dei Cigni, Act II” – “Swan Lake, Act II”. Born in 1974 in a room on Broadway from the passion of a group of dancers who loved to parody traditional ballet “en travesti”, the Trocks soon conquered the international limelight. In over forty years of activity, acclaimed by the public and the press, they have touched over 600 cities and 40 countries around the world; the European tour started in Italy.