(By Matilde Anghinoni) Another Sunday of Caffè in Musica at the Fucina Machiavelli Theatre, it is the turn of the “Risveglio Barocco” – “Awakening Baroque” -. The Veronese start-up proposes for tomorrow, April 30 a matinée with the under35 ensemble between chatting at the artists’ bar and discovering baroque music. 

A matinée really different from the usual on April 30 at the Fucina, the morning will start with a coffee and a sweet at 10 at the artists’ bar. An opportunity to talk about music, art and culture after which participants will head to the Fucina Machiavelli Theatre for a journey to discover baroque music. The Artistic Director Stefano Soardo will guide in a path that will touch the development of Gregorian chant, going from the introduction of musical instruments in the church to the creation of the consequent musical forms. 

In particular, the keystone of the event will be the birth of the three sonatas. After the historical introduction, three sonatas will be performed: op.4 n.3 and op.2 n.12 “Ciaccona” by Corelli and op.1 n.12 “La Follia” by Vivaldi. The ensemble of professionals under 35 Fucina Harmonica will play the sonatas, with Stefano Soardo and Giulia Fregolent on violin, Francesco Bettin on cello, Antonio de Luigi on baroque guitar and theorbo. 

The youth component is in fact central in the reality of the theater. Fucina is a start-up build to create a business that gave employment to young artists and allowed them to transform a hobby into a real profession. The idea was born by four young people from Verona at dinner over a Cuban pasta. Three musicians: Stefano Soardo violinist and violist, Pietro Battistoni violinist, Rebecca Saggin oboist, and a playwright, Sara Meneghetti.

creators of Fucina Machiavelli
The creators of the Fucina. From the left Pietro Battistoni, Rebecca Saggin, Sara Meneghetti, Stefano Soardo

They had just finished the Academy and wanted to do the work for which they had studied. Convinced that opportunities do not fall from the sky, in 2015 they decided to create their own opportunity. They took over the management of the Teatro ex Centro Mazziano, which had been abandoned for years, and restored it to life, creating a home for all the young artists of Verona. 

The idea’s heart of the Teatro Fucina Macchiavelli is in fact the possibility of reinventing themselves to create a constructive dialogue with a rapidly evolving society. And hence their name. From the idea that, as when you play Macchiavelli (an Italian card game), even the feat of living by making art must continually mix seeds and numbers to reinvent themself. 

For this reason the Sundays of Caffè in Musica begin with a meeting, because according to the Fucina spirit, culture is the founding element of human life, an intergenerational exchange that transcends all differences.