On 19th May, Negrar will be the starting point of Klick’s on Ways, the journey of 10 travellers, 8 of them with reduced mobility, across the Veneto region, to share the experience of slow travel and to promote the territories, their accessibility and the hospitality of the communitiesThe arrival, in Venice, is scheduled for 27th May. The initiative, with the technical support of the Austrian company Klaxon Mobility GmbH, is promoted by Free Wheels, a voluntary organisation that brings people with accessibility needs closer to the experience of the Cammino, which launched the first edition in 2022 in Emilia-Romagna and will choose a new region to cross each year. The itinerary will include several routes in the Veneto region: the Cammino delle Scoperte, the Via Romea Strata, the Via Postumia, the Treviso-Ostiglia cycle path and the Cammino di Sant’Antonio.

It is not just a journey“, said Luca Zaia, President of the Veneto Region “it is a journey of awareness and awareness-raising to bring the problems of people with reduced mobility closer to the public. Difficulties and barriers that, if overcome, can become resources“.

The group is led by Pietro Scidurlo – President of Free Wheels – who says: “The Klick is an electric motor that attaches to the wheelchair and allows anyone to tackle the vast majority of off-road terrain. It is an invigorating experience where legs and wheels are not means of locomotion but sensory organs that allow us to feel emotions that enrich us“.

The godmother of the project is Jesusleny Gomes, who has walked through 574 towns in the Veneto region and has embraced the initiative. The route consists of 8 stages in 8 days. After Negrar, the group will visit Verona, Soave, Lonigo, Vicenza, Poiana di Granfion, Camposampiero, the Sanctuary of Antoniano dell’Arcella, Dolo, Martellago, Monastier, San Donà di Piave, Eraclea, Motta di Livenza and, finally, Piazza San Marco in Venice, a city considered inaccessible for years and now open to people with spinal cord injuries.

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