TED, the non-profit network dedicated to spreading the culture of innovation, sustainability and inclusion, has chosen Italy for the first time to host the annual global summit of the organisers of TEDx, the network of independent events.
The event will take place in Verona from Friday 3 to Sunday 5 November and is expected to attract participants from more than 40 Nations. Among the countries taking part are Argentina, Canada, the USA, Indonesia, Japan, Nigeria and Jordan.

Source: fb Tedx Verona

There are more than 100 TEDx events taking place in Italy. They range from big cities like Rome or Milan, to provincial capitals like Messina or Verona itself, to smaller centres like Ischia, Cortina or Ostuni. The common denominator is the desire to share ideas capable of generating widespread value and social impact. Verona, in this perspective, represents a virtuous case: almost a hundred volunteers were involved, many of them under 35.

Source: fb Tedx Verona

During the three-day event in Verona, workshops will also be developed using the Design Thinking approach and facilitation methods such as Lego Serious Play. There will be a special focus on artificial intelligence, sustainability and inclusion. Finally, there will be plenty of opportunities to discover the Veronese area with all its peculiarities.

For more information, visit tedxweekend@tedxverona.com or follow social platforms Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn