The River, the name of our magazine, is inspired by the river Adige that embraces the city of Verona and is crossed by 12 bridges that connect the historic centre with the rest of the Veronese territory. The Adige River, “croce e delizia” – cross and delight – of the Veronese, who love to watch it so much they fear it on days of heavy rain like these. Fiume Adige, which originates in Trentino Alto Adige, crosses the Veneto and flows into the Adriatic Sea. River Adige, a symbol for the city of Verona.

The flooding of the Adige River continues to cause concern in Verona for the scaffolding of Ponte Nuovo, which remains closed. The fire brigade continues to work on site to secure the scaffolding. Traffic is free in the Ztl but monitoring continues.

Ponte Nuovo bridge

In Veneto meanwhile, schools in the most exposed provinces, Treviso and Belluno, are closing. The recommendation on school closures was forwarded by the regional crisis unit convened this morning by the Governor of the Region, Luca Zaia, to the Prefectures of Treviso and Belluno.

The wave of bad weather continues throughout the Veneto Region. Among the advice: use the car only if necessary, do not park in basements, stay away from watercourses.

Maximum alert in Verona for the next few days
Now the focus is on the next few days. After today’s respite, tomorrow the weather forecast predicts new rain, which will return on Saturday night. The Municipality of Verona’s plan is already ready to reinforce the disposal of the rain that is expected to fall from the early hours of the afternoon, which foresees the positioning of water pumps in Lungadige Re Teodorico, at the intersection with Piazza Frà Giovanni and in Lungadige Matteotti in the stretch facing the public gardens.

The Municipality points out that if the lifting pumps, due to the heavy rainfall forecast for Thursday and the concomitance of the Adige River above 0°, are unable to completely dispose of the accumulated amount of rainwater, the areas most at risk of flooding are:

  • Acqua Morta basement starting from Vicolo Mustacchi,
  • Via Prato Santo
  • Piazza del Porto in Parona
  • Via XX Settembre
  • Lungadige Porta Vittoria