The dates to keep in mind are February 5 and February 23, which are the last days to register for Verona preschools and kindergarten. The former is intended for kids between the ages of three and six, while the latter is meant for kids between the ages of three months and three years.

Kindergartens (asili nido) for children up to 3 years old

Enrollment is offered from February 9 to February 23 for children aged three months to three years, born between January 1, 2022, and May 31, 2024 (including unborn children). Children must live in the Municipality of Verona with at least one of their parents, or the person who exercises parental authority, and residence is required for application acceptance. Children of Verona Municipality employees, regardless of residency, are eligible for participation in the Municipal Corporate Nursery.

The application can only be filled out online using Spid or CIE credentials (electronic identity card). Payments will be sent to the parent who submits the application for the whole year of school, with no option of alteration throughout the year, and the date the application gets submitted is not a determinate of priority.

The usual “open kindergarten day” is set for Saturday, February 3, during which parents may get to know the facilities and educators. Attendance hours are divided into two time slots: “morning time” from 07:30 to 13:30 and “classic time” from 07:30 to 16:00. The extended hours service can be activated from 13:30 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 18:00, with the exception of the Garbini – Pestrino and the Avesa Integrated Kindergartens, which do not provide it. The arrangement with private nurseries ends at 4:00 p.m.; any extensions must be agreed directly, if the service is provided, with the private facility. All information, requirements, and ISEE information may be found HERE.

Preschools (scuola dell’infanzia) for children, indicatively aged 3 to 6 years

Applications for municipal preschools for the 2024–2025 school year are due by February 5, 2024. Children who are not Verona residents may apply to this sort of school. Children born between January 1, 2022, and April 30, 2022, are also eligible to apply, although they will be ranked separately for each school. If there are open spots, the latter may be considered once the waiting lists for those born before December 31, 2021, have been exhausted. The prerequisites are: having concluded the 30th month; full autonomy in fundamental behaviors (walking, sphincter control, eating, and toilet use); and, in any event, following evaluation by the teaching staff in consideration of the pedagogical-educational elements.

Enrollment must be done exclusively in online mode by connecting to the link (HERE); once logged in to the portal, use the Application Form for Enrollment in Municipal Preschools a.s. 2024/2025 (the form will be active only from January 18 to February 5, 2024). Parents may designate up to three schools for their children, but enrollment in one or renunciation of the designated school will automatically disqualify the child from consideration in the other schools’ rankings. The application for municipal preschools includes registration for school food service. Rates, deadlines, and facilities can be found HERE.