A one-year card, priced at 12 euros, offers Verona residents free and unlimited access to the Civic Museums system, except Juliet’s House. It is “My IMUV card”, which was activated on February 1.

With “My IMUV card,” you can visit: the Arena Amphitheater, the Arche Scaligere, the Achille Forti Gallery of Modern Art, the Archaeological Museum at the Teatro Romano, the ‘G.B. Cavalcaselle’ Museum of Frescoes at Juliet’s Tomb, the Museum of Castelvecchio, the Museum of Natural History, and the Maffeian Lapidary Museum. The card is only for adults, but another new benefit to Verona’s museums is that admission is now free for all minors.

My IMUV card may be acquired online by entering the cardholder’s information and making a credit card payment. After the purchase, the customer can print the card immediately. Direct purchasing link HERE. It may also be purchased at the  Achille Forti Gallery of Modern Art ticket office at Palazzo della Ragione or in the Mercato Vecchio courtyard with a valid ID.

Photo credits: Musei Civici Veronesi’s facebook page