A journey to (re)discover Dante’s Paradise from the perspective of young people. The multisensory exhibition dedicated to the Supreme Poet is returning, and following the success of the editions on hell and purgatory, it is the turn of “Il Mio Paradiso. Dante Profeta di Speranza” (“My Paradise. Dante’s Prophet of Hope”), in which visitors will discover the nine heavens of Paradise through images, sounds, movies, stage games, and stories. From April 19 to June 16, the spaces of Castel San Pietro will feature an exhibition featuring comments by writer and pedagogue Franco Nembrini and artwork by Gabriele Dell’Otto.

Secondary school students will lead the way through the itinerary, which is divided into 33 stages, each punctuated by visuals that complement insights and reflections. The display will include a variety of multimedia components. These contain Mosaiko’s short videos with texts by Msgr. Martino Signoretto. Furthermore, numerous narrative voices will accompany tourists on their ideal journey. There will be Beatrice, who will let the viewer retrace the purification journey that led him to Paradise; St. Francis, in a flashback to the saint’s earthly condition and his choice (poverty to meet God); and, of course, Dante, in his iconic red robe, wrapped in light, to accompany him to the end of the journey.

The piece “El Dante,” made by sculptor Adelfo Galli, is a crucial part of the event. It depicts a guy who is surprised, overwhelmed, and touched by his encounter with Beatrice, to the point where he transforms his perception of himself and all reality. However, the entire show focuses on a very particular subject, as summarized by Franco Nembrini’s remarks: “Is it worth the effort to read Dante? It is worth it if you talk to Dante—that is, if you enter literature with your own questions, your own dramas, and your own interest in life. Then, suddenly, Dante will speak. He will speak to our heart, to our intelligence, to our desire, and it is a dialogue that once begun will never end.”

Useful information

The exhibition will be open Monday through Sunday, from 8:30 a.m. until noon and 2:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Reservations are only accepted online at www.danteprofetadisperanza.it, by email at info@danteprofetadisperanza.it, or by phone at 375 5848188.