Carnival is still celebrated in Verona. The customary parade of allegorical floats was canceled in February due to bad weather, but the city of Verona has chosen to reschedule it for tomorrow, Sunday, April 28.

There will be 23 allegorical floats, 113 carnival groups, and 6 musical bands and majorettes to liven up the streets and squares of the city center, from Corso Porta Nuova to Piazza San Zeno. All are following the “Papà del Gnoco” (Father of the Gnocchi), who, according to custom, will lead the parade on the “musso” (donkey).

Parade and route

Traditional Veronese gnocchi will be served in Piazza San Zeno beginning at 12 p.m., while the long-awaited and historic Float Parade will begin at 3 p.m. and will pass through Piazza Bra, Via Roma, Corso Castelvecchio, Largo Don Bosco, Regaste San Zeno, Piazzetta Portichetti, Via San Giuseppe, Piazza Corrubbio, Piazza Pozza, and Piazza San Zeno.

For the first time, Verona’s ethnic minorities will parade in traditional clothing, representing Brazil, Moldova, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Tanzania, and Ukraine. Another surprise is the reappearance of the “Carro dell’Abbondanza” (Wagon of Abundance), which will hand out games.

Elena Da Vico, a descendant of Tommaso Da Vico, a historical figure to whom the origin of the Verona Carnival is attributed, will be the parade’s guest of honor at the start.

Village of Traditions

Festivity, delicious food, and joy will also be the theme of the weekend (April 27th and 28th) at the Village of Traditions, set up in the Giardino d’Estate in San Zeno, which will welcome everyone with an intense program of events.

The 90’s event will take place on Saturday, 27th, beginning at 7 p.m., and will include the finest music from the 1990s. On Sunday, the 28th, from 3 to 8 p.m., there will be a great celebration in Piazza San Zeno with DJ Maccarone. Roby De Luca and Elena will provide musical entertainment beginning at 6.30 p.m. at the Village of Traditions, in addition to food stalls featuring typical Veronese products.