Over the next five years, the University of Verona will collaborate closely with the Chinese institutions of Shenzhen and Zunyi under an innovative dental surgery program. The agreement was signed on Wednesday, May 23, during an academic delegation visit led by Professor Wu Jun of Shenzhen University and Professor Deng Chengliang of Zunyi Medical University, who were greeted at Palazzo Giuliari. The project’s goal is to share recent advances and discoveries in surgical and dental research, as well as identify future research and development prospects.

The first act under this agreement was the international conference of the Doctoral Schools of Surgical and Cardiovascular Sciences from Verona, Graz, Zunyi, and Shenzhen, which took place on Friday, May 24.

During the morning of Friday, May 24, participants highlighted a variety of programs, including bone regeneration in dental patients, wound healing, and minimally invasive surgery. The projects showed the use of digital technology such as 3D scanners and printers to design and create custom prostheses, as well as more accurate surgical procedures.

Furthermore, robotic implant surgery was emphasized as a way to increase the precision and efficacy of implant surgeries. Discussions also included the use of telemedicine protocols to improve access to care and remote patient management, as well as digital dentistry to maximize diagnosis and treatment utilizing new technology.