The Veneto Region’s Decentralized Functional Center of Civil Protection has issued an alert declaring a state of alert from today’s afternoon till tomorrow, Saturday, July 1. The weather is forecast to be unstable, with rainfall and thunderstorms ranging from local in the Dolomites to scattered on the plain and coast, as you can see from the image below from air force meteorological service. Locally powerful occurrences (heavy rain, strong gusts of wind, and local hailstorms) are probable in the central-south plain and coast, and are less likely but not totally precluded elsewhere in the region.

Hydrogeological problems are expected and the status of Attention (Yellow Alert) has been established from 14.00 today to 00.00 on Sunday, July 2, for the basins: Po, Fissero-Tartaro- canalbianco and Basso Adige (RO-VR), Basso Brenta – Bacchiglione (PD-VI-VR-VE-TV), Basso Piave – Sile and Bacino scolante in laguna (VE-TV-PD), Livenza – Lemene and Tagliamento (VE-TV).