The Ciclovia del Sole is one of the most significant cycling routes in Italy and is a section of the EuroVelo7, a bicycle route that runs from Capo Nord to Malta. Furthermore, this week saw the opening of the new Ciclovia del Sole route, which spans 27,7 kilometers and passes via Verona, Sommacampagna, Sona, Castelnuovo del Garda, and Valeggio sul Mincio. After there, it passes through Emilia Romagna and Lombardia before reaching Firenze, Toscana. It is therefore one of the five bike routes that are members of the National System of Touristic Bike Routes since it passes through four Italian regions and seventy municipalities.

With the formal start of work on the first and second lots on March 4, soft mobility will enable transportation from the City of Verona to Valeggio. The approximately 10 million euro investment will pay off in two years when bicycles can be used to explore every neighborhood in Verona, promoting environmentally friendly transportation.

What can you visit thanks to the new Ciclovia del Sole route?

Thus, with the new segment of the Ciclovia del Sole, the emphasis is mostly on leisurely tourism, a major goal of the Veneto area, which now boasts 380 kilometers of cycleways. This is in addition to routes that promote transit from home to work or school. As a result, amazing locations like the town of Sommacampagna, which is home to nine historic Veneto villas and is located in the moraine hills south of Lake Garda, will be reachable.

A must-see location is Castelnuovo del Garda, where the Grande Torre Viscontea and the Visconti Castle welcome hundreds of visitors each year. Valeggio sul Mincio, a town with significant cultural and historical value that is also recognized as a “City of Art” due to its artistic inheritance, will be the highlight of the cycling path. The Parco Giardino Sigurtà, with 600,000 square meters of park , is the crown jewel of Valeggio. Its exceptional beauty is matched by a plethora of year-round events that invite visitors to fully immerse themselves.