The magic of the Opera Festival arrives at the University and in the neighbourhoods of Verona. Franco Zeffirelli’s spectacular Turandot, which will open the opera season at the Arena on Saturday 8 June, will be broadcast live in the large park of the Provianda di Santa Marta in Veronetta (University), equipped with a giant screen and numerous chairs for comfortable viewing. We talked about it last year HERE.

The special event, which starts at 20.45, is free and open to all citizens, but is especially dedicated to students. This year, in addition to the giant screen in Santa Marta Park, four others will be set up to broadcast the show live in different parts of the city: Piazza del Popolo in the San Michele Extra district, San Giacomo Park in Borgo Roma, Cantori Veronesi Park in Borgo Santa Croce and Piazza Marinai d’Italia in Borgo Milano.

A year ago, the initiative was welcomed with enthusiasm: families, the elderly, the young and the very young all took part, occupying some of the 200 chairs set up in each of the four areas and also sitting on the grass on blankets brought from home. All were delighted to be able to experience the magic of the opera so close to home and free of charge.