The University of Verona has established 300 new scholarships for female students studying a STEM degree, with each receiving 1,800 euros. This is an incentive aimed at raising the number of female students enrolled in scientific-technological disciplines, which now accounts for only 15% of the total at the University of Verona.

The scholarships will be accessible to 300 female students enrolling in the academic year 2023-2024. More specifically, it regards students studying bioinformatics, biotechnology, computer science, applied mathematics, nutraceutical and health food sciences, and personal medical systems engineering.

How to win one of the scholarships?

To be eligible to participate in the call for applications, you must have a household Isee (economic equivalent situation indicator) declaration of up to 40,000 euros and not be a recipient of the right of education standard scholarship. Another essential requirement is to be enrolled regularly until July 31, 2024, and the scholarship will be provided to female students who have received the highest grade on their high school graduation exam if there is equal merit. 

Furthermore, the University of Verona provides a 20% boost in the ordinary right-to-study grant as an incentive to expand female presence in STEM classrooms.

scholarships University of Verona