(by Elisabetta Gallina) The Strategic Plan for the next five years of the Destination Verona & Garda Foundation (Dvg Foundation) was presented today in Dogana Veneta (Lazise) to members, tour operators and foreign, national and local media. Promotion, reception and marketing of the entire Verona area (six macro-areas have been identified, each with different characteristics): Verona, Garda, Lessinia, Valpolicella, Soave and Est Veronese and Pianura dei Dogi (veronese lowlands). From the Convention Bureau for congress tourism to the development of the markets served by Lake Garda, from international networking to the organisation and digitalisation of the tourist offer, the strategic plan traces the path of a unique best practice in Italy, destined to be a forerunner for the other provinces of the Veneto Region.

Created on the initiative of the Camera di Commercio di Verona – Chamber of Commerce of Verona -, the Foundation is the operational arm of the two Dmo (Destination Management Organisations): Lake Garda Veneto and Verona, and today brings together 65 municipalities in the province of Verona, which account for 91% of the total number of tourists.
Paolo Artelio, President of the Dvg Foundation, commented: “The Verona area and the lake are already outstanding European tourist destinations. Here we have private and public brands, large and sometimes even small, that are recognised worldwide. However, in a globalised and highly competitive market such as tourism, maintaining success is not a foregone conclusion, and companies that go it alone are often doomed to failure. It is necessary to build an overall and organised framework around all this wealth“.

The Destination Verona and Garda Foundation (Dvg) has been operational since November 2022 and the Strategic Plan has been published after close interactions and collaboration with all stakeholders and all territories, private and public. The plan summarises the needs and objectives of the territory. First of all, there are analyses of tourist flows in recent years, which form the basis of the strategy. There is a section on product development in relation to markets, another on promotion, one on data and business intelligence, and finally on the future development of tourism in the area. The strategic plan is then accompanied, year after year, by an annual operational program, which sets out the actions in a shorter time frame. Organisation is the key to the Verona area’s continued growth in quality and added value.
“A single Foundation to manage the two great destinations of Verona and Garda“, commented the Councillor for Tourism of the Veneto Region, Federico Caner, “but also the other four area brands of Verona. We need an organised presidium that can guarantee all the functions typical of tourist destinations through trained and highly specialised human capital. We need to build a unified administration that focuses on the quality rather than the quantity of tourist flows, and this means placing the organisation and coordination of the tourist offer, including the digital aspect, in the hands of the Foundation“.