Christmas in Verona is synonymous with the comet star and Christmas markets. This year, however, Christmas certainties have become enormous unknowns as residents have waited for a few weeks to find out whether or not the two beloved symbols would return. The answer has arrived, at least in terms of the Christmas markets: they will take place and, despite a few modifications, will follow the customary format. From November 17 to December 26, Verona will be decked out in festive decorations. 

How will the Christmas markets be organized? 

The placement of typical kiosks was one of the concerns mentioned by the City Council, with a request to relocate them to other areas of the city. The markets, however, will stay in their historic settings this year: in the Piazza dei Signori, including the Loggia Vecchia, and in the adjacent Cortile del Tribunale and Mercato Vecchio. There will be 48 stalls in these three areas, in addition to the typical 12 in the Arsenal. The food vendors will stay in the central line, and food and beverages can only be consumed in designated locations to enable simpler recycling collection.

Physical barriers will separate event areas from the rest of the city. Piazza Indipendenza and Piazza Viviani are two examples. In addition, pedestrian traffic will be limited in Via Santa Maria Antica (at the Prefecture), Via della Costa at Piazza Erbe, Via delle Fogge, the roadway behind Case Mazzanti, and the Mercato Vecchio outside. On the busiest days, ad hoc strategies will also be established.

In terms of traffic conditions, a shuttle bus service will be established in the southern part of Verona, as well as alternate routes leading directly from parking lots to Piazza dei Signori, so that Piazza Bra and Via Mazzini will no longer be the only access points. In the coming days, these will be released to the public. 

The Christmas market relocation, on the other hand, has been postponed until next year, with the administration promising to start discussions in January to find a solution for Christmas 2024. 

What about the comet star? 

There has been no update on the status of the iconic star, and it is unknown whether it will be placed in the traditional location, connecting the Arena and Piazza Bra, or if it will not be placed at all. 

Having said that, the Arsenal skating rink reopens with the markets and will be functioning until January 8, with the possibility of being operating on Valentine’s Day.